The fastest-growing hedges and how to maintain them

Choose the right variety for a fast-growing hedge and know how to keep it in shape. 

The fastest-growing hedges and how to maintain them

Choosing a fast-growing hedge variety is ideal if you want to experience the benefits of a hedge sooner rather than later. From gaining some privacy in your back garden to even providing some shelter from the wind, there are many benefits you can acquire from having a hedge

If you want to get the best start for your hedge and reap the benefits sooner rather than later, then planting it now is a good idea. 

In winter when plants are dormant, is the best time to plant anything, including hedging. The time between winter planting and spring gives a chance for the plant to establish itself in its new environment as well as not experiencing shock from transplanting. 

Here are some varieties of hedges that, if planted now, you would see results quickly.

Fast-growing hedge varieties for your garden


One of the fastest-growing hedge varieties you can grow in Europe, Leylandii can grow up to 90cm per year given the right conditions:

  • Well-drained soil
  • Full sun or partial shade
  • Moist soil - not extremely dry or waterlogged

An evergreen shrub too, having a Leylandii hedge means you’ll get privacy year round. Due to its fast-growing nature, we recommend you cut it back with a battery hedge trimmer three times a year so it doesn’t become an overgrown hedge

2. Bamboo

Many species of Bamboo can be chosen for hedging, as they can grow quickly - as much as 1m per year. Reaching a total height of 12-15 feet, Bamboo can give you as much privacy as you need in just 2-4 years. 

Maintaining Bamboo is a little more tricky than other varieties of hedging. Being such a fast grower, its stems turn thick and woody quickly, making it harder to cut. 

However, by using the EGO HT2410E 61cm cordless hedge trimmer, cutting back your Bamboo hedge becomes easy and effortless. With a 61cm cutting length, you can reach and cut the towering Bamboo from the ground and slice through its stems with the help of diamond ground blades and a 26mm blade gap. 

3. Beech

Copper and Green Beech are excellent choices for a fast-growing hedge. Whilst some would argue that copper beech is more ornamental than its green counterpart, both do a good job of giving you all the benefits of a hedge, especially in summer when they’re in full leaf. 

Both species can grow up to 60cm per year, so the sooner you plant this one, the better. To keep it in shape, trim it back with a cordless hedge trimmer like the EGO HT2000E 51cm hedge trimmer

4. Cherry Laurel 

Growing as much as 60cm per year, Cherry Laurel is a good choice if you’re looking for a fast-growing hedge plant variety. An ever-green too, ensuring you get privacy year-round, Cherry Laurel can double up as a boundary setter and privacy screen. 

Putting out thin, green stems through the growing season, which then turns woody, there’s no need to go overboard to keep it trimmed. A simple, small battery hedge trimmer will do the trick to keep this plant in check as you cut it back to give it some shape. 

5. Berberis 

Another evergreen hedging shrub, Berberis, can grow 30-60cm per year. A fast-growing hedge that can act as a windbreak too, there are many other benefits to having a Berberis hedge:

  • Easy to grow 
  • Hardy for northern climates
  • An excellent choice for biodiversity, flowering from April through to July and then producing berries
  • Brightly coloured and deciduous, it’s aesthetically pleasing 

Berberis can be pruned more or less any time of year, so long as it is not in flower. If you wish to attract even more wildlife into your garden, we suggest only cutting it back with a hedge trimmer in the winter after all the berries have been eaten. 

The best hedge trimmer for fast-growing hedges

EGO has a good selection of battery hedge trimmers, all suitable for regular use that a fast-growing hedge would require. EGO cordless hedge trimmers have fewer moving components than their petrol counterparts, so there’s less to go wrong after continual use. 

The good news is that all EGO tools come with excellent warranty, including EGO hedge trimmers. In fact, each EGO battery hedge trimmer comes with a 5-year warranty for domestic use, and a 3-year warranty for professional use. 

There’s more too. Each EGO battery hedge trimmer can fit any size EGO battery for your convenience. No matter what job you’re undertaking, it’s good to have another battery as a backup just in case. Browse our battery range here to see the best one for your needs.